Tuesday, August 17, 2010

peanut butter sandwich

last night, eric promised zoey could have a peanut butter sandwich if she ate all her dinner.  she ate all her dinner than had to use the potty.  i think it would be amusing to watch us at dinner when she starts doing the "potty wiggle" and we both practically jump down her throat, "do you have to go potty?" then, either because we expect rebuttal (in the form of a defiant yelling three year old girl which no one wants to mess with!) or we see, by the lack of moving, the reluctance to leave her half-chewed quesadilla, and immediately follow up the question with, "don't worry, your quesadilla will be there after you go potty, really, it will be there, hurry because you don't want to have an accident, just leave it, you can get it when you're done, leave it on your plate, yes, good girl".  ANYway, with all that commotion (which only actually lasted 1 second), and the successful potty session, she forgot about the peanut butter sandwich request.  so we let it go (a reaction we later learned was a GRAVE error!).  about 2 hours later, after no mention of peanut butter sandwich amidst the playing, the convincing to brush teeth, the convincing to go into the bedroom because if we didn't go "right now" there would be no bedtime story, putting on of pajamas, reading of stories (one extra poem) and lots of gripes, zoey and i lay down to go to sleep.  by laying very still for about 10 minutes, she unknowingly convinced me she was quickly headed toward sleep.  then she sat up and said, "we forgot my peanut butter sandwich!" in that voice she uses when she is pretty sure she will be praised for remembering or finding something very important.  major meltdown occurred for about 5 minutes until she finally succeeded after much reassurance she would get the sandwich first thing in the morning for breakfast, when the sun came up and it was morning (specifics are necessary for my sanity).  it still took her a while to fall asleep.  at 3:30am she walked over to my bed and said, "can i have my sandwich now?". 

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