Friday, February 4, 2011


so this morning zoey was very hungry, she's definitely having a growth spurt again.  she ate one bowl of oatmeal, then asked for a honey, jam, and lettuce sandwich.  we have never tried this kind of sandwich, and i tried to convince her to have lettuce and vegenaise (because after my immediate "ok" feeling i always wonder if what i'm letting her eat might be bad and make her puke, and that i should be a better mom and not let her eat peanut butter and pickle sandwiches.  but her grandpop eats them and he's ok)  ANYway, i found out we are out of vegenaise, so honey OR jam (because both are not acceptable!) and lettuce, and butter it was.  she ate that all.

well, it's a lot of food for zoey at least. 

making "snow cream"

owlbert einstein taking a nap

a rare moment

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


okay, so now that i have work to do, at work, i don't really have time to write anything down, except for the 1/2 hour after zoey bedtime or household duties, and my bedtime.  so perhaps the blog will be done.  i keep wanting to start the one about zoey up again, but maybe i'll make it on here so their is no confusion...and so i can write about other things once in a while and not worry about going "against the rules".  these are my rules i'm speaking of...the rules that state, one cannot write of anything other than zoey, on zoey's blog.  it's silly i know.  it's me.

no, this is me.  but look here, zoey got a haircut and looks like a different person!  it will be much more shocking to those of you who don't see her in motion, but instead in this photograph, because without her personality and voice, she's not her anymore!  i'm starting to get used to it.  it's for her, so we don't have to put her hair up  and boy the stress level in the morning has gone down a good notch!

 she was so funny to watch.  she was looking at the tv they had playing cartoons of dancing scissors with hair and eyes and things of that nature.  she was very serious, and of course got totally confused if the haircutter told her to turn her head this way or that.  as if she had no control over her head heehee.

 3 year old attitude

thanks for making this awesome skirt grandma deb!!

she was actually quite happy to do this, although tired.  i just have a gift of catching grumpy looks!

 riding like a pro!


 this is their idea of sitting next to each other 

 oh yeah

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

so far

so far, this blog has been pretty pathetic.  but here is a really sweet picture of zoey.

 morning musings:

WHEN is dunkin donuts going to get on board and have soy milk dammit!?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


i love this video that zoey's preschool's facebook page recommended.  it makes me feel relaxed and happy...

Monday, August 30, 2010


was going through some old blog entries and this one nearly killed me with the cuteness.  i'm half dead here people!  seriously, she was so little!  and going on a trick or treat adventure through the library with her friends.  she looks so timid and it breaks my heart thinking of her being nervous, wondering why the hell all the grownups just got up from their various converstations around the room and all started talking at once!  "zoey come over here, it's time to trick or treat!"  "henry, come get your trick or treat bag!"  etc.  did she feel the excitement in a good way, or did she think "what the hell!?  i just want to play with toys, why am i wearing a damn monkey costume!?!"  i probably knew at the time, even thought i was busy trying to make her have a good "real" halloween experience.  humans are so weird.