Friday, February 4, 2011


so this morning zoey was very hungry, she's definitely having a growth spurt again.  she ate one bowl of oatmeal, then asked for a honey, jam, and lettuce sandwich.  we have never tried this kind of sandwich, and i tried to convince her to have lettuce and vegenaise (because after my immediate "ok" feeling i always wonder if what i'm letting her eat might be bad and make her puke, and that i should be a better mom and not let her eat peanut butter and pickle sandwiches.  but her grandpop eats them and he's ok)  ANYway, i found out we are out of vegenaise, so honey OR jam (because both are not acceptable!) and lettuce, and butter it was.  she ate that all.

well, it's a lot of food for zoey at least. 

making "snow cream"

owlbert einstein taking a nap

a rare moment